Nom de Plumage

March 11, 2012

Last Day In Paris

Filed under: Travel Journal — nomdeplumage @ 8:20 pm
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Up until now I had fuddled my way through some very basic, yet poor attempt at the French language. Somehow I survived and was understood. Today, with great nervousness, I attempted to buy a train ticket to an outer suburb called Melun. It went badly, but the attendant was helpful and understanding and somehow I got my train ticket. Inner Paris is a very beautiful city and worthy of it’s reputation, but that all changes once you leave the heart and enter the outskirts. Now suburbs become ugly and is predominately of immigrants. Once of I arrived in Melun, I did not feel very comfortable. My main reason for coming was to visit a very beautiful chateau called Vaux le Vicomte. I could not find a tourist bureau to offer assistance, but I did find a bus stop that was to take tourists to the chateau. It did not arrive and I wasted an hour in vain waiting. It was a place that I really wanted to visit and was so disappointed that I had no chance. I caught the train back to Paris and decided to visit the Musee` d’ Armee`. France had played a fundamental part in both World Wars and the museum showed the history in wonderful detail accompanied by photographs and footage. Very impressive and well worth the visit.
Tomorrow I leave for Zurich and a visit with a friend that I have not seen in years. Cannot wait.

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